This price list is for informational and comparison purposes only.

A complimentary professional quote is required before booking.

All prices are per square foot except for stairs.

Tear out of your existing flooring:

  • Carpet, vinyl, laminate............$1
  • Engineered, hardwood...........$1.75
  • Tile.............................................$2 - $3
  • Stairs.......To be determined during quote

Sand and finish

  • No stain.....................................$5
  • With stain..................................$7
  • Stairs - no stain...........$125/per tread
  • Stairs - stain.................$150/tread

Installation - floating (no glue)

  • Vinyl.............................................$2.50
  • Laminate.....................................$2.50
  • Engineered................................ $3.00
  • Hardwood................................. .$3.50

Installation - glue down

  • Vinyl.............................................$3.00
  • Engineered..................................$3.50


  • Vinyl or laminate........................$100/tread
  • Hardwood...................................$125/tread

Stair landings, levelling, floor repairs, baseboards, shoe mold, etc. to be determined during quote.

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